lundi 10 septembre 2012

Fiorentina raises the value Jovetic

Alluded newspaper "Alchorara dello Sport" that management Fiorentina put a penalty clause in the contract of striker Stefan Jovetic 40 million Euros for clubs wishing to sign him next season, and confirmed the same source that the administration "Viola" targeted this procedure management Juventus by Todd strongly nail services striker Montenegronext season because they know that this amount would keep the "Bianconeri" race to sign the player in the coming period.

Barcelona chasing Oriol Romeo

The newspaper "El Mundo Deportivo" close to Barcelona, that the latter is trying hard to restore its star sundial in Chelsea Oriol Romeo.
The Barcelona star has moved to the ranks of the Blues last season from Barcelona with it is purely a product for which the Barcelona School "to Amasya."
And the same reports suggested that the Catalan club has the possibility of buying Romeo worth 15 million euros, and it seems that Barcelona did not learn a lesson from Cesc Fabregas, who in turn had moved from Barça toward school Arsenal to bring him back the Catalans to the Nou Camp a huge amount.

Maicon turned down a move to Chelsea before joining the City

Detection Roberto Kalinda and Maicon agent that the player turned down offers from several clubs, including Chelsea, before moving to Manchester City.

The Brazilian player has joined the City on the last day of the transfer market.

Kalinda said "Maicon chose Manchester City after a long evaluation process somewhat."

"All the big clubs who are in need of a player in this role they are looking for Maicon, Real Madrid, Paris Saint-Germain, Chelsea and others."

dimanche 9 septembre 2012

Rocket bike up to speed of 97 km in 5 seconds engines

Motorcycle designer succeed in bicycle design can start from stability to 97 km / h in just 5 seconds using jet engines.

The motorcycle mechanic Robert Maddox making his bike jet depending on the model 1926 of Harley-Davidson, the bike can skip the speed of 322 km / h with acceleration from stability to 97 km / h in just 5 seconds.

Robert, who called him "Rocket Man" (man rocket) making bike jet for cyclist, Illinois, U.S. According After Action 5 tests of the bike jet before being delivered to its owner new the ride smooth and stable despite the force powerful that can Aqtlaek from above bike.

Women's world: a bicycle-propelled grenades up to speed of 97 km in 5 seconds engines - Motorcycles - design - bullet bikes

BMW bike small

Revealed the BMW bicycle quality Scooter "C 650 GT" and characterized by providing comfort in its leadership and have fun when you walk in the rural roads.

Have engine capacity 647 cc generates power 60 hp, and transmission "CVT", and exhaust system stainless steel, and the structure of the aluminum, tablets brakes in the front wheel and rear, and dashboard include a screen "LCD" and speedometer.

Has been put large seat and Power High for more comfort on the road, and a large barrier winds can be controlled electrically raised or lowered, in addition to the front and rear lamps "LED".

Zola expects competition Naples on the league title

In an interview with the Italian coach Gianfranco Zola Watford talked about the Italian league and the competition and pointed out that he believes that Napoli can win the Italian league title this season.

He won and Napoli coach Walter Mazzarri all their games so far this season, along with the Italian champions Juventus and Lazio.

He said, "because Milan and Inter Milan have not Icoma strong reinforcements, it does not seem to put them better than last season, so there could be room for teams such as Naples and Rome."

Zlatan Ibrahimovic: "I am a living legend"

See striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic Paris St Germain that he is a living legend after receiving an award in his hometown.

The former AC Milan star received the award from the Swedish city of Malmo, thanks to his brilliant career in football.

And said: "It is a great honor, which means I have done something in my career."

"We usually say that you can become a legend before his death, but I am a living legend - at least in Malmo."

Ferguson hails South American players who are in the team

Sir Alex Ferguson hailed Manchester United manager level for South American players in the team and hinted that he would consider to get more of them in the future.

The club has signed a contract with several players from South America in recent seasons, such as Antonio Valencia and Javier Hernandez, while annexation Angelo Henriquez this summer.

Ferguson said, "South American players love football, it is in their blood, three Valbraszeliyn Anderson, Rafael and Fabio love the ball, and they are in training every morning breath of fresh air."

"But Valencia is a tough player and very disciplined, Cicarret plays superbly, and all of them are really good."

Gago: Argentina can not rely on Messi only

In an interview with the Argentine Fernando Gago Valencia midfielder in which he referred to it should not be relied Argentina Lionel Messi only.

Messi had helped Argentina win at the expense of Paraguay on Friday in the World Cup qualifiers.

Gago said "Lionel bonus, but can not rely only Argentina Messi."

New laptop "screens"

Been manufacturing a new laptop Bashastein instead of one screen, a device that is used in the original in the U.S. Navy, but is due to be put on the market in the next few months.

This is called the device name "Spacebook" and its price starts from 1899 dollars to less model and up to 2099 for the top model, and the effects of this device to surprise many, especially as some prefer devices "laptop" small portability as it be more privacy to its owner.

Among the most prominent disadvantage of this device is that there is also a smaller screen than the other is not in terms of size but in terms of display images and videos, featuring Ramat up to 8 GB DDR3 and 500 GB storage space.

Somali currency endangered

Abdul Rahman easy - KismayuFacing Somali currency real risks may lead to extinction due to a lack of circulation in the local markets, the center of a complete absence of the role of the central bank, which raises questions about the future of the Somali shilling and value against foreign currencies that began to sweep the local markets.Against regarded professor of economics at the University of Kismayo Mohamed Rachid mushy Somali currency going through the most serious stages ever since the birth of the modern Somali state in 1960.The head of the branch company entrusted remittances Abdoulie collector Hirsi described the use of the Somali shilling despite successive crises and wars experienced by the country miracle, pointing out that the theoretical estimates demonstrate the inevitable collapse.Mohamed Rachid said Somali traders dependence on the U.S. dollar by 90% in their dealings because of declining confidence in the Somali shilling.Turn head repentance Exchange Company Mohammad Gakad Somali currency scarcity in local markets, which is reflected negatively on the lives of citizens.He modern Gakad of the island revealed that class A Somali shillings from the currency is not the only group currently in circulation in the markets in southern areas as well as Puntland, while all disappeared from sight other paper categories.Abdoulie description continue Somali in Ű§Ù„ŰŽÙ† trading so far miracle (IRIN)Causes of the crisisDue financial analysts Somali crisis Somali currency to several factors, most notably the absence of relevant financial institutions, and the adoption of traders and hawala and communications on the dollar in their transactions, in addition to the use of entities various Somali currency U.S. going affairs either in tax collection or payment of salaries to employees.In exchange fell shilling the U.S. dollar strengthens its position in the market the bulk Ptoverh Somali result of multiple agencies that depend on it, which the Somali currency loses moral value and purchasing power.The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at the University of Kismayo Abdul Razak Ismail maintained that the Somali currency lost important advantages, including the paper out most of the categories of non-class markets thousand shillings, and difficult to carry, in addition to the decline in exports Somali alarmingly, if not become non-existent.The value of the Somali shilling until now, the dollar is currently worth about 22 thousand shillings.Ismail warned that the situation threatens to Dollar replaces Somali currency if not rectify the matter by the responsible authorities in the country.Download Abdoulie Hassan Mosque chaos that plunging the country responsible crisis of the Somali currency, in addition to the absence of other services.He pointed out that the last new currency issued during the government of Abdullahi Yusuf, but it did not dispel fears about the fate of the Somali currency, due to the limited amount of print and lack of continuity.Abdoulie said the adoption rate of 80% of the Somali families to transfer their children residing in Europe, America and Arab countries.The Finance Minister of the Somali Transitional Government Abdel Nasser Mohammed Abdullah acknowledged the existence of the crisis afflicting the Somali currency, but it promised to solve this problem as soon as possible.The minister said in an interview to the media last month that the Somali Mogadishu began to print a new currency in Sudan. He pointed out that the government is waiting for the right time militarily and politically for the placing on the market.The Somali government is trying hard, but slowly recovered Somali shilling from under the rubble, but to achieve this depends on the end of the transitional period for the government and establish civil wars died down

Largest U.S. economic delegation to visit Egypt

Economic delegation begins a huge visit to U.S. Today, Egypt aims to look at the political and economic situation and investment opportunities in order to strengthen relations between the United States and Egypt in the economic sphere.
And learned Jazeera Net sources of Egyptian Foreign Ministry said that the delegation includes more than a hundred economists and businessmen Americans represent nearly fifty major companies, in addition to a number of political officials, including senior adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Deputy National Security Advisor, is also expected to join the delegation Thomas Ù†Ű§ÙŠŰŻŰČ Deputy Secretary of State.
It is scheduled to meet with the U.S. delegation to a number of senior Egyptian officials, including more than a dozen ministers, for the vision of the Government Hisham Qandil for foreign investment and to explore promising investment opportunities, and express their willingness to inject new investments in both the public and private sectors in Egypt.
The confirmed U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson that the visit aims to provide economic aid to Egypt and support the movement of trade and investment in what it described as pivotal support for economic diplomacy by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had referred to a few weeks ago.
Clinton announced during a visit to Egypt in mid-July last that Washington was ready to provide $ 250 million in loan guarantees to support small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as support for the Fund acts Americans Egyptian sixty million dollars as an initial amount."U.S. economic delegation's visit to Cairo is seeking to identify new business opportunities for U.S. companies, as well as the expression of American business confidence in Egypt"
Attractive marketAt a press conference yesterday Ambassador said the broad composition of the delegation and representatives of the annexation many American companies aims to identify new business opportunities for U.S. companies, as well as the expression of American business confidence in Egypt.
The Ambassador stressed that Egypt has a lot of features that make it an attractive market for U.S. companies, particularly the strategic location in the heart of the Middle East.
The Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt Hisham Fahmi said that the visit reflects Hamas major U.S. companies for the investment opportunities in Egypt, pointing out that these big companies Initiative "will open the door in the future for a similar Hamas from small businesses."

Modern technology for the development of supercomputers anti-laser

U.S. scientists have succeeded in developing the first nullifies the effect of the laser device called "anti-laser". This step is important as to pave the way for future use in the development of new processors with high efficiency for the production of a new generation of supercomputers. In this experiment unique is absorbed approximately 99.4% of the laser beam emanating from specific frequency wave.For his part, interpreted Hui Cao, a professor of Applied Physics at the University of "Yale" American and his colleagues, the experience that they conducted that they send two beams of laser win two anti two outputs of the frequency wave specific, Qatar each 100 mm, and shot down within optical cavity particularly made of the silicon thin, and found that when the collision beams is nullifying the effect of each other and dissipate its energy by 99.4%, and thus emits energy from the laser beam in the form of heat.
This result confirms the theory put forward by Professor Douglas Stone, a professor of Applied Physics, last year. Predicted at the time exactly the theory of absorption of the laser radiation. According to his words, the theory and experiment agree together.
And so is a good light vector of information for the computer generation is expected in the future. The result may open up future prospects for the development of highly visual processors in the speed and accuracy in performance.
The next step on this road is aimed Cao and his colleagues to increase the rate of absorption of new defenses.
In a related development, Douglas Stone expresses hope for achieving the desired result, saying: "I am sure that we unite our efforts together Snsmo to our goal of absorption rate of 99.9%."

Washington lied about Saddam's weapons

Sculpture and secret documents released by U.S. military intelligence (CIA) recently blamed the intelligence analysts in relation to the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq during the rule of Saddam Hussein. But a report published by the Christian Science Monitor U.S. says that it is heavier than that.
He called the report prepared by Brad readers Nkerbokr to remember what was said about the weapons of mass destruction is part of Saddam's weapons arsenal was offered as a justification for the invasion of Iraq as well as to promote the belief that the then Iraqi regime was helping al-Qaeda in one way or another.
The report added that after a large US-led invasion in 2003 and the loss of 4486 American soldiers in Iraq, the more established images in mind are:
U.S. Secretary of State (former) Secretary of State Colin Powell holds small bottle of something intended for him to appear serious when he was addressing the UN Security Council. The consultant then U.S. President George W. Bush's national security adviser Condoleezza Rice acknowledges the existence of "some uncertainty" about Iraq's capabilities to obtain a nuclear weapon, but warns "we do not want to turn Venice into a mushroom cloud." And CIA Director George Tenet says Bush is easy conclusion in relation to weapons of mass destruction programs in Iraq.
Are never found those weapons. Now it seems there is "an unusual apology from the CIA." This concluded his report by the National Security Archive at George Washington University.
Analysts MgradwnThat report concluded that the CIA blames the failure of their results on analysts. He said that agency officials, who critics said they paid by the hawks in the government and the neo-conservatives at the White House to justify the war, in turn pushed Agency analysts to come up with the wrong results.
The newspaper quoted intelligence documents central to "analysts have tended to focus on the most important for us (catching weapons of mass destruction) and did not focus too much on the most important and more worthy of protection for the dictatorship of infected disease greatness .. reputations, and their image in the world Koqoia and dangerous, and security, and their technological . Baghdad regime has been continuously in a lie and promoted to possess weapons of mass destruction, but the reasons for this lie read error ".
The documents continued to say, even when made by Iraqi officials, including Saddam Hussein, "after his arrest in December / December 2003" to deny it, assumed the CIA they are still lying.
The Christian Science Monitor said that the CIA's argument that it "deceived" did not pass on everyone. He said Jeremy Hammond of Foreign Policy magazine, "regardless of the real recognition of the role the CIA, did not show any documents kind of serious analysis, but provided only politicized statements repeated allegations of governmental consumer designed to sustain the myth that there is intelligence failure led to the invasion of Iraq."
A very successful lieHammond said, "on the reverse. Was there wow very deliberate lying campaign sponsored by the CIA for the marketing of government policy aimed at regime change in Iraq."
He explained that the story of "intelligence failure" was an attempt to gloss over the fact that senior government officials were deliberately lying and deceiving the people not assigned to allegations the deliberate and prevention guide to publish any information that contradicts their claims.
And Mr. Hammond concluded, "Thus it becomes certain that the CIA documents recently released does not represent any apology. They, on the contrary, just the dull repetition of what has already been said."

New computer from Dell sophisticated screen

Dubai: put Dell new computer "XPS M1330" who works processor "Core 2 Duo", characterized by drive DVD-type slot-loading and Media Reader 8 in 1 Internet Camera compact with two microphone double and unity "IR" remote storage inside port"ExpressCard" SSD and a hard disk capacity of 32 GB and optional fingerprint reader.

The company explained that this computer was supplied screen sophisticated of sizes 13.3 inches, a kind of "TrueLife" that support backlighting "LED", and a level of clarity 1280 × 800 resolution graphics standard in notebook is a unit of processing fees compact (X3100).

HP Unveils new computer class Touch Smart

And Ablngen (Germany) - d. B. A. - introduced «HP» Electronics new computer category «Touch Smart features a wide-screen over the country along the line of 60 centimeters.
The company said the computer screen size «H. NBA. Kew 800 is a 25.5-inch,
Adding that the entire computer screen installed inside the box.
The company supplied the new computer operating unit Blue cylinders - Rayutguenih wireless local area networks (W because)
And a dual-core processor and graphic card 9600 MSG Javors of NVIDIA Corporation.
It is scheduled to put the new computer on the market

← Origin PC reveal a desktop computer Genesis fast 5.7 GHz Laptop EON dedicated to origin-pc games

Today revealed company Origin PC during the CES 2012 a new version of the computer desktop Genesis equipped with a new cooling 'Phase Change' will be available at the end of the first quarter of this year and a processor Core i7 2700K speed up to 5.7 GHz with a screen to control fast and shows you the temperaturecomputer and the computer uses the X79 chip and graphics processor consisting of four GeForce GTX 580 is linked SLI technology. Company occurred Hacbadtha phones EON17-S and EON15-S is dedicated to games and open field specifications and technology that allows you to play online and keeping the server without any problems.

Modern bicycle can be folded easily

The compactable bicycle concept was driven from the need of boosting urban space efficiency when it is not in use or being transported. The wheel is made of six modules, each with double pivot in their joints, allowing the wheel to be folded and become smaller. The spokes of the wheel are contained in the internal structure when you fold the bicycle and the spokes rotate to the system’s center where they attach with the center wheel. This bicycle is designed in a double triangle structure made of expandable modules with foldable ability. To keep the structure in position, the system has utilized a special X shaped component that aligns the modules to the exact position
The Wheel is composed by six modules, each one has a double pivot in the joints, this allows the wheel to fold and become smaller, the spokes are contained in the inner structure of the wheel, when you unfold the system, the spokes rotate to the center of the mechanism where it attach to the center of the wheel
The double triangle structure is composed by expandable modules, each one collapses to a smaller dimension and then this modules align by the rotation of the axis in the joint of the structure, to keep in position all the structure is used an special part in a form of an X that aligns all the modules to their position

New bicycle design in a new and different strength and stability and creativity of design (Liu Xinsheng)

Here Models of new bicycle design of imagination, and create a new and innovative idea of the movement system
Liu Xinsheng showed a new language of design in the form of a new bicycle and natural simplify and given the shape of the body, which is composed of smooth essence element
A sexy curve design and Dzab displays a kind of soft, such as water and shows the strength and beauty in every different angle.

There Introduction to green energy is defended power generator by bicycle and foot pedals installed in the main axis and is stored energy produced from battery light the front and rear and side where given the light fantastic at night and Hazh is not just a function of the lighting, but following image shows the beauty of the body itself.


Arab Business Machine launches new Mac Pro

Company announced Arab Business Machine Limited, the principal representative of the products (Apple) Middle East (EMC) has announced the launch of the new Apple Mac Pro in the region. Enjoy PC Quad Xeon, 64 (Pitt), reflecting a major new bilateral "Intel Xeon" working up to 3 GHz, and system architecture with the fastest performance twice as "Mac G5 Quad." The new Mac product but offers advanced performance and very widespread, and high-performance graphics options and unprecedented changes. All this in order to meet user needs better. The launch of the new product of "Mac" but pointing to the completion of ongoing rapid transition for "Apple", in addition to every family "Mac" by using the latest computer processors from "Intel".

On this occasion, Mr. Elias Abu Rustom, General Manager of Arab Business Machine Ltd: "We are delighted to our declaration product launch Mac Pro Revolutionary in the Middle East. The Mac Pro is the new workstation pioneer and designed according to the latest technology developed by Apple. Also believesvarious forms of use with the availability of an effective tool to carry out activities different ranging from graphic design and even tasks of daily use such as using e-mail and browse the Web sites and other along these electronic components high-performance, and last innovations processing systems from Apple, the Mac Pro is undoubtedly computerideal for owner-performance router. at a time when the all of the "IBM" and Apple their success and their growth firm and continuing in the region, I am sure that the product of last Apple will deliver a demand Jmahera great, especially from Apple users in the Middle East. "

The new Mac Pro displays key bilateral "Intel Xeon 5100" Architecture-based Home and minute of Intel, in this framework provides a breach of the terms of performance and electrical efficiency, as well. The new Mac Pro has twice faster than "Mac G5 Quad." It also presents major new bilateral "Intel Xeon" working TONGS 3.0 GHz (G H-Z). Each one capacity of 4 megabytes (or me) from the cache and 1.33 GHz (G H Z) of the energy front. However protected memory up to 617 MHz (MH Z) DVD-R 2, the Mac Pro has a broad engineering memory up to 256 (House) as well.
With more than 4.9 million potential perception, the Mac Pro offers unprecedented amendments to the convergence of the majority of the requirements and needs of conservation and proliferation. Shows the Mac Pro the new designer in a new all storage solutions direct and talk and associated wire and a compass to store up to fold 500 GB (JP), and sequence ITIN from hard drives, to 2 total ITP of conservation procedure, a supporter of the optical disk for harmonious reading or copying to CDs or DVDs. And each containing a Mac Pro three pieces full PCI represents expansion slots, BCL any such slot graphics with high energy, and graphics cards offer bilateral and so without giving up openings multiple as well as securing appropriate ways and quick to connect to various external instruments known, the painting front of the Mac Pro contains (FireWire 800 Port, FireWire 400 Port, 2 USB 2.0 Port). Add this to (FireWire 800, FireWire 400, three USB 2.0 Port) located on the rear panel. The Mac Pro also includes a custom places GB Aaithamt, and optical digital output indoor and outdoor, and audio system similar internal and external, and internal support final selection (Airport) and Bluetooth 2.0 +-R.
And comes with every Mac Pro (Nevada J. Foss 7300 GT with 256 MB (or B) of video memory), which adds support internally for bilateral deals and Apple 30-inch Cinema (HD) on the show. Both the ATI Radeon X 1900 X T and Nevada Quadro FX 4500, with 512 megabytes (or B) of video memory, is designed to provide internal support to two of the Apple 30-inch Cinema HD offerings. This contains Quadro FX 4500 stereo three-dimensional, is designed in a way that can be piped to goggles through a special window for orders and applications are the most in response to the need, more complex types of images, and sound effects and scientific optical data. And up the support of the Mac Pro to a rate four BCI of fast graphics cards, running short of eight special visual at the same time, as well as the large display screens.

Apple Mac Pro will occur next week?!

In the wake of previous reports that Apple removed the Mac Pro from retail showrooms, new information that came is that Apple intends to launch an entirely new model of Mac Pro next week (Global Developers Conference).

 According to the report, it is expected that prices will remain similar to the current Mac Pro models, and the new device will come in the form of two basic models, and another prior running OS X Server.

Apple is expected they will announce several updates for production lines that have in the next week, specifically in the (World Developers Conference).

Apple intends to disclose a new MacBook Pro in its next conference

A source for news site Bloomberg that Apple's going to announce a new version of the devices MacBook Pro, the source said that Apple will unveil this device during its next conference WWDC 2012 scheduled to be held on 11 June.

The report published in Bloomberg news website that the MacBook Pro will be thinner than the current machine, as well as device will contain a high-resolution screen. The device also will contain flash memory reduce the consumption of system resources with greater lengthening of the former battery life, and also will support USB 3 super speed of the device.

The new generation of MacBook Pro

Apple has to announce a whole new generation of MacBook Pro. And Phil Schiller described as "a proactive step in the field of engineering." The new MacBook comes highly distinctive specifications. The idea of ​​the device that holds a high-resolution screen significantly and also be a light close to that of light MacBook Air by its size of 13 inches.
The most important feature in the new MacBook Pro is the screen which has more than 5 million pixels, which means it is the highest resolution of HDTV television. Screen is Ratna carefully screen 2880 × 1800 pixels (220 pixels per inch), which means as the best screen currently exist in the market!

Will not dwell and I will let you with this wonderful device specifications are as follows:

    Screen Size: 15.4 inches
    Ratna accurately screen 2880 × 1800 pixels (220 pixels per inch)
    Processor: i7 quad-core processor speeds 2.3 GHz upgradeable to 3.7 GHz
    RAM: 8 GB upgradeable to 16 GB
    GPU: GeForce GT 650M 1GB

    Hard Drive: Flash Storage area 256 GB upgradeable to 768 GB
    FaceTime HD camera
    Entrance to the SD card
    HDMI input
    USB 3 entrances
    Thunder Bolt entrances
    Battery performance of up to 7 hours
    Weight 4.46 pounds

The new device comes a very slim design and light weight also features a high-resolution screen. Screen the new MacBook Pro is top of the laptop screen accuracy in the world with more than 5 million pixels (HD TV contains 2 million pixels) to the extent that the human eye can not distinguish pixels on the screen. Device also targeted class professionals who need the large 15-inch screen and also to be an excellent device specifications and large space to download professional programs such as uPVC Cut Pro and the like.

New version totally gorgeous Apple targets an important category you want to light that the device is somewhat very high performance.