dimanche 9 septembre 2012

Washington lied about Saddam's weapons

Sculpture and secret documents released by U.S. military intelligence (CIA) recently blamed the intelligence analysts in relation to the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq during the rule of Saddam Hussein. But a report published by the Christian Science Monitor U.S. says that it is heavier than that.
He called the report prepared by Brad readers Nkerbokr to remember what was said about the weapons of mass destruction is part of Saddam's weapons arsenal was offered as a justification for the invasion of Iraq as well as to promote the belief that the then Iraqi regime was helping al-Qaeda in one way or another.
The report added that after a large US-led invasion in 2003 and the loss of 4486 American soldiers in Iraq, the more established images in mind are:
U.S. Secretary of State (former) Secretary of State Colin Powell holds small bottle of something intended for him to appear serious when he was addressing the UN Security Council. The consultant then U.S. President George W. Bush's national security adviser Condoleezza Rice acknowledges the existence of "some uncertainty" about Iraq's capabilities to obtain a nuclear weapon, but warns "we do not want to turn Venice into a mushroom cloud." And CIA Director George Tenet says Bush is easy conclusion in relation to weapons of mass destruction programs in Iraq.
Are never found those weapons. Now it seems there is "an unusual apology from the CIA." This concluded his report by the National Security Archive at George Washington University.
Analysts MgradwnThat report concluded that the CIA blames the failure of their results on analysts. He said that agency officials, who critics said they paid by the hawks in the government and the neo-conservatives at the White House to justify the war, in turn pushed Agency analysts to come up with the wrong results.
The newspaper quoted intelligence documents central to "analysts have tended to focus on the most important for us (catching weapons of mass destruction) and did not focus too much on the most important and more worthy of protection for the dictatorship of infected disease greatness .. reputations, and their image in the world Koqoia and dangerous, and security, and their technological . Baghdad regime has been continuously in a lie and promoted to possess weapons of mass destruction, but the reasons for this lie read error ".
The documents continued to say, even when made by Iraqi officials, including Saddam Hussein, "after his arrest in December / December 2003" to deny it, assumed the CIA they are still lying.
The Christian Science Monitor said that the CIA's argument that it "deceived" did not pass on everyone. He said Jeremy Hammond of Foreign Policy magazine, "regardless of the real recognition of the role the CIA, did not show any documents kind of serious analysis, but provided only politicized statements repeated allegations of governmental consumer designed to sustain the myth that there is intelligence failure led to the invasion of Iraq."
A very successful lieHammond said, "on the reverse. Was there wow very deliberate lying campaign sponsored by the CIA for the marketing of government policy aimed at regime change in Iraq."
He explained that the story of "intelligence failure" was an attempt to gloss over the fact that senior government officials were deliberately lying and deceiving the people not assigned to allegations the deliberate and prevention guide to publish any information that contradicts their claims.
And Mr. Hammond concluded, "Thus it becomes certain that the CIA documents recently released does not represent any apology. They, on the contrary, just the dull repetition of what has already been said."

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