dimanche 9 septembre 2012

Clinton: No agreement with Russia on Syria

Asked U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a pessimistic assessment of the possibility of a deal with Russia on how to deal with the Syrian crisis, and said that her talks with Russian leaders have made little progress, although differences may persist. She noted that she informed Moscow that the presentation of a new draft resolution in the Security Council on Syria would be without meaning if the "non-binding". In a related development agreed and foreign ministers of the European Union to impose further sanctions on Damascus, and urged the opposition to unity.
After talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and President Vladimir Putin during a meeting of the Economic Cooperation forum of the Asia-Pacific (APEC) in Vladivostok, Russia Today, Clinton said, "We have to be realistic we have not seen an agreement on Syria, may continue this."
She "does not make sense to adopt a non-binding resolution because we have seen repeatedly that (President Bashar) Assad will ignore it and will continue to attack the people."
The minister pointed out the U.S. though they want to work with Moscow on a new draft resolution on Syria, but warned that the United States will increase the pressure to get the support in order to change the regime of Bashar al-Assad If this does not measure the results, and will continue to work with countries that are similar Washington thinking to support the Syrian opposition in its struggle against al-Assad.
Rossi's positionThe Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that his country would seek to convene a ministerial meeting of the Security Council before the end of this month to discuss the crisis in Syria, criticizing Western sanctions policy toward Syria and Iran.
Russia and China have used since last fall (veto) three times against Western draft resolutions condemning repression in Syria and threatening to impose sanctions on the Assad regime.
Lavrov said after meeting counterpart U.S. Vladivostok maximum Middle Russian, Russia will invite to be approved by the Security Council on the Geneva Accord reached by the Working Group on Syria (the five permanent members of the Security Council, Turkey and countries representing the Arab League) on June 30 on principles of political transition in Syria does not include Assad's departure.Catherine Ashton (right) with Cyprus Foreign Minister on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting European (French)
Tighten sanctionsThese developments come at a time when foreign ministers agreed the EU in Cyprus yesterday to impose more sanctions on Damascus, and urged the unity of the Syrian opposition.
She spoke Cypriot Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou Marcoullis agree to tighten sanctions targeting the regime of President Bashar al-Assad after an informal meeting of foreign ministers from the twenty-seven members.
The European Union has imposed a phased series of economic and diplomatic sanctions on Syria.
The sanctions include arms exports, and imported oil, and precious metals trade, and leisure goods, and supplies banknotes, and Syrian aircraft landing at European airports. They also include a travel ban on officials of the Syrian regime, and freeze the assets of 155 individuals and 53 entities suspected of having a key role in the crackdown.
Said French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius It should tighten sanctions on President Assad League, in reference to the inner circle around him.
He added that the Office of the High Representative for External Relations of the European Union Catherine Ashton will separate the new sanctions, and is supposed to be a new package of sanctions ready early next month, according to European sources.
In the meantime, being Arab and UN envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi held talks in Cairo with Arab League officials on the Syrian crisis ahead of a visit Damascus to start his mission. Ahmad Fawzi said - a spokesman for Brahimi - The UN envoy and Arab, who took office officially in early September / September is currently working on the final details of his mission in Syria.

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